After the Elevation of the Eucharist-a Mass Prayer

After the Elevation Prayer at Mass
It is now, O Lord, with grateful hearts
we call to mind the sacred mysteries
of Thy passion and death,
of Thy resurrection and ascension.
Here is Thy Body that was broken;
here is Thy Blood that was shed for us,
of which these exterior signs are but the figures,
and yet in reality contain the substance.
It is now we truly offer Thee, O Lord,
that pure and holy Victim,
which Thou hast been pleased to give us;
of which all the other sacrifices
were but so many types and figures.
After the Elevation Mass Prayer is such a beautiful prayer. It can be prayed silently after the precious Body and precious Blood of Christ have been elevated for us to see and worship. This prayer gives us a moment to focus on Jesus and Who He really is. We acknowledge He is THE sacrifice and recognize that all other sacrifices in the times of the Old Testament were in anticipation of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on the cross for us and our salvation. In this prayer, we let Jesus know we see Him in the Eucharist-that it is really His Body and Blood present on the altar, not a representation.
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The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion by Rev. John Croiset shares the message Jesus gave to St. Margaret Mary about His Sacred Heart. Fr. Croiset was the spiritual director for St. Margaret Mary for 43 years. The book also contains St. Margaret Mary’s prayers to the Sacred Heart and the Sacred Heart Promises.

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