A Prayer to Live the Easter Season Well
An Easter Prayer
Jesus Christ,
You have risen from the grave. Alleluia!
Son of God,
You conquered death. Alleluia!
Lamb of God,
You offered yourself as a pure sacrifice for our salvation. Alleluia!
Second person of the Blessed Trinity,
You opened the gates of Heaven for us. Alleluia!
Son of Mary,
You suffered ridicule and judgement with forgiveness and love. Alleluia!
Jesus Christ,
May we rise with You on the Last Day. Alleluia!
Son of God,
May we always remember that Heaven, not earth, is our eternal home. Alleluia!
Lamb of God,
May we always recognize Your true presence in the Eucharist in the Holy Sacrifice of every Mass. Alleluia!
Second person of the Blessed Trinity,
May we one day be in Heaven with You. Alleluia!
Son of Mary,
May we not increase Your sufferings by the way we treat others. Alleluia!
May we console your Sacred Heart for the ridicule and judgement it endures. Alleluia!
May we forgive others who hurt us and love others as You call us to love. Alleluia!
Our Savior,
May we live the messages or Easter well each day of our lives. Alleluia!
An Easter Prayer is an original prayer by Mary of Blessed Catholic Mom. It may not be copied without the permission of the author.
I wrote An Easter Prayer as a reminder that Easter is not only one day. In the Church, we have a season of Easter where we continue to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead and the joy of our salvation. We can remember the great sacrifice Jesus made for us as we participate in each Mass we attend and receive His body, blood, soul, and divinity in the Eucharist. May we always be greatful* to Jesus for His great sacrifice for us and for His desire for us to share eternity with Him in Heaven. May we model our lives after His-in love for God and service to others. Amen.
An Easter Prayer was inspired by the song “Jesus Christ is Risen Today.” Alleluia means “Praise the Lord!”
You may also like this Saint Gregory Easter Prayer.
*Note on my use of greatful instead of grateful: To me, a grate is a grid or part of a cheese grater, not a condition of the heart. Our hearts can be great in love and gratitude; they can inspire us to greatness. I am greatful for the great things God has done for me. Thus, I spell grateful greatful this way.
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The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion by Rev. John Croiset shares the message Jesus gave to St. Margaret Mary about His Sacred Heart. Fr. Croiset was the spiritual director for St. Margaret Mary for 43 years. The book also contains St. Margaret Mary’s prayers to the Sacred Heart and the Sacred Heart Promises.
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