Catholic Psalm 103: Praise of Divine Goodness

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Palm 103: Praise of Divine Goodness
To David himself.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and bless his holy name, all that is within me.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all his recompenses.
He forgives all your iniquities. He heals all your infirmities.
He redeems your life from destruction. He crowns you with mercy and compassion.
He satisfies your desire with good things. Your youth will be renewed like that of the eagle.
The Lord accomplishes mercies, and his judgment is for all who patiently endure injuries.
He has made his ways known to Moses, his will to the sons of Israel.
The Lord is compassionate and merciful, patient and full of mercy.
He will not be angry forever, and he will not threaten for eternity.
He has not dealt with us according to our sins, and he has not repaid us according to our iniquities.
For according to the height of the heavens above the earth, so has he reinforced his mercy toward those who fear him.
As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our iniquities from us.
As a father is compassionate to his sons, so has the Lord been compassionate to those who fear him.
For he knows our form. He has called to mind that we are dust.
Man: his days are like hay. Like the flower of the field, so will he flourish.
For the spirit in him will pass away, and it will not remain, and he will know his place no longer.
But the mercy of the Lord is from eternity, and even unto eternity, upon those who fear him. And his justice is with the sons of the sons, with those who serve his covenant and have been mindful of his commandments by doing them.
The Lord has prepared his throne in heaven, and his kingdom will rule over all.
Bless the Lord, all you his Angels: powerful in virtue, doing his word, in order to heed the voice of his discourse.
Bless the Lord, all his hosts: his ministers who do his will.
Bless the Lord, all his works: in every place of his dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul.
In the Catholic Psalm 103, David talks of God’s mercy. He begins the Palm praising God, then talks about all God does for us: He pardons us, heals us, redeems us, and gives us good things. Then he talks about Who God is: compassionate and merciful. He also talks about what God does for us: He forgives us, is just, and He keeps the promises He made to His people. Lastly, David blessed the Lord, and tells all in Heaven and earth to bless Him and His works.
If you are looking for more prayers to help you grow closer to our Lord you can find more in the Prayers section. There is also a section focused on Mass Prayers.
Does your prayer life feel blah? Are you looking for ways to strengthen your prayer life? Sign up for the self-paced P.R.A.Y.S. Pathway course for step-by-step help to build and maintain a daily practice of prayer: P.R.A.Y.S. Pathway course
You can find some great resources recommended for growing in prayer here: Good Catholic Books to Read: Improve Your Prayer Life

Nunc Coepi: A Year of Prayer from Blessed is She is a book to lead you daily through a year of prayer. It contains Scripture selections, weekly reflections, and writings from Jean Pierre de Cassaude, Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, Gabrielle Bossis, Saint Philip Neri, the Desert Fathers and Mothers, and Saint Francis de Sales. This book will help you to develop a habit of prayer and deepen your prayer life.
The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion by Rev. John Croiset shares the message Jesus gave to St. Margaret Mary about His Sacred Heart. Fr. Croiset was the spiritual director for St. Margaret Mary for 43 years. The book also contains St. Margaret Mary’s prayers to the Sacred Heart and the Sacred Heart Promises.

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