Commemoration of the Living Mass Prayer

Prayer at the Commemoration of the living
I offer thee, O eternal Father, with this Thy minister at the altar, this oblation of the Body and Blood of Thy only Son, to Thy honour and glory; in remembrance of my Saviour’s passion, in thanksgiving for all Thy benefits, in satisfaction for all my sins, and for the obtaining of Thy grace, whereby I may be enabled to live virtuously and die happily. I desire Thee likewise to accept it, O God, for my parents, [if alive], relatives, friends and benefactors; grant them all blessings, spiritual and temporal. I offer it up also, [name the particular intention you offer it up for; as, for obtaining this virtue, overcoming that vice: for blessings, such as health, etc.] Likewise for all that are in misery: for those I have any ways injured in word or deed; for all my enemies; for the conversion of sinners, and enlightening all that sit in darkness. Pour forth Thy blessings on all, according to their different necessities, through the merits of Thy only Son, our Lord.
Give ear, we beseech Thee, to the prayers of Thy servant, who is here appointed to make this oblation in our behalf, and grant it may be effectual for the obtaining of all those blessings which he asks for us.
Behold, O Lord, we all here present to Thee in this bread and wine the symbols of our perfect union. O Lord, that they may be made for us the true Body and Blood of Thy dear Son; that being consecrated to Thee by this holy Victim, we may live in Thy service, and depart this life in Thy grace.
Prayer at the Commemoration of the living is a Mass Prayer we can pray to ourselves at the part of the Mass after the consecration when the priest remembers those living. We ask for God’s mercy and His blessings upon the Pope, the priest saying Mass, upon our living parents, for us and for all who are living. We ask God to pour forth His blessing on each person according to the needs each one has. We also ask that we may live to serve God during our lives and be filled with His grace upon our death. The prayer is a good reminder that we need to pray for others and ourselves during Mass, that we ask for God’s mercy and pray that we may lead lives pleasing to God.
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The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion by Rev. John Croiset shares the message Jesus gave to St. Margaret Mary about His Sacred Heart. Fr. Croiset was the spiritual director for St. Margaret Mary for 43 years. The book also contains St. Margaret Mary’s prayers to the Sacred Heart and the Sacred Heart Promises.

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