3 Ideas to Deepen Your Relationship with Jesus
3 Ways to Deepen Your Relationship with Christ
Do you sometimes feel like Christ is not close to you? Maybe I should rephrase that question. Do you sometimes feel that you are not close to Christ? You want to feel a connection with Him more than you do, yet you are not sure how. There are many different ways to grow closer to Jesus. Today we are going to cover just three ways to deepen your relationship with Christ.

What are three ideas for deepening your relationship with Jesus?
Three ways you can grow closer to Christ are to get to know Him better, spend more time with Him, and genuinely share your life and your heart with Him.
1. Get to know Jesus better.
When you met your best friend or your spouse, you spent time together and got to know each other. You spoke on the phone, went out together, and wrote notes to each other or sent each other letters. Depending on how old you are, you probably also sent e-mails or text messages to each other or chatted via video as well. Basically, you spent time getting to know each other.
How can you know Jesus better? You can get to know Jesus better by finding out more about Him. How can you find out more about Jesus?
- Read about Jesus in the Bible.
- Receive Christ the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.
- Receive Christ’s grace in the Sacrament of Confession.
- Pray in your own words. Pray with scripture.
- Read books about Jesus written by the saints.
Getting to know Jesus better takes time and effort. You may want to spend fifteen minutes a day reading the Gospels, go to daily Mass once during the week, or add some more prayer time to your day to help you to grow in your relationship with Christ.
When we get to know someone better, our love and care for that person increases and we want to spend even more time with that person. The same is true for Jesus. The more we get to know Him, the more we want to learn, and the deeper we will love Him.

2. Spend more time with Christ.
To grow in a relationship with someone, you need to spend time together getting to know each other.
Some ways you can spend time with Jesus are:
- Go to Mass during the week.
- Pray.
- Read the scriptures. Jesus is the Word of God.
- Spend time in Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.
- Pray for others. Serve others in need. In Matthew 25: 40 Jesus tells us: “whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”
- Write to Christ in a journal. Think of Him as sitting right beside you as you write to Him.
Be creative. How do you enjoy spending time with those you love? Think of ways you can spend time with Jesus in similar ways. The more time you spend with Him, the better you will know Him and feel comfortable with Him and the deeper your relationship with Him will be.

3. Genuinely share your life and your heart with Jesus.
Jesus was born a man and shared His life with us. He shares Himself with us at every Mass in Holy Communion. He gives us His graces in the Sacraments. He genuinely shares Himself with us. We can genuinely share ourselves with Him.
- Talk with Him in prayer. Accept your identity as a child of God.
- Take a walk and talk with Him.
- Write to Him.
- Share with Him all that is in your heart-all your hopes, dreams, fears, uncertainties, failures and accomplishments. EVERYTHING! Jesus knows them already, but He wants us to share them with Him. He wants us to share ourselves with Him. Have confidence in God’s love for you.
- Be yourself, a child of God. Share who you are with Him.
Don’t be afraid to share yourself with God. You have nothing you need to hide from Him or alter for Him. He knows who you are. He created you to be the special and unique person you are; there is no one else like you. There is nothing to fear. Jesus is love and mercy.
Grow in your relationship with Jesus by sharing your true self with Him, holding nothing back.
What are three ideas for deepening your relationship with Jesus?
Three ways you can grow closer to Christ are to get to know Him better, spend more time with Him, and genuinely share your life and your heart with Him.
If you are not sure where to start or what to do, pray about it. God will help you. God created you because He loves you. He wants you to be close to Him. He will help you.
How to include Jesus more in your daily life
Here is a video by Fr. Mike Schmitz about How to Practice the Presence of God. It has very helpful ideas on how to include Jesus more in your daily life. I hope you enjoy and learn from it as much as I did.

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