Do you desire to make more time for God in your life?
Do any of these desires sound familiar, but you are not sure how to make them happen?

Here is what you get:
To assist you in achieving the desire to grow in your
faith, Faith Spurts: Guided Steps to Help You Grow in Faith provides easily manageable and guided steps to help you to grow closer to God.
Faith Spurts is divided into three main sections: Identity, Bible, and Prayer. Each section contains strategies and step-by-step guidance to help you to better understand your identity in Christ, study the Bible more, and cultivate a deeper prayer life.
Each section also has prayers related to that topic, worksheets to help you reflect on what you have learned and find ways to include it more in your life, and a bonus resource related to the topic.
Faith Spurts also includes two extras: 7 Ways to Take Care of Yourself sheet and a Daily Planner sheet you can print off as many times as you like. These can help you to live and plan well as you grow in your faith.
Check out what is included:
Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in You.
St. Augustine of Hippo
You can achieve a closer relationship with God.
Picture yourself with greater confidence in your faith.
Imagine how you will feel as you live each day with a lighter step, and a smile on your face, and greater peace in your heart.
Faith Spurts is for you if:
Faith Spurts is NOT for you if:
What others are saying
Here is what readers have to say about the resources in Faith Spurts:
I truly believe that God led me to find you, and I am enjoying reading the Bible now.

Meet Mary
Hey there! I am a Catholic mom working each day to grow in my faith.
After working for years to grow in my faith, I realized that accepting myself as a child of God was one key element to success.
I was challenged to look at myself and see the person God sees-someone He loves enough to die for. It was difficult to accept His great love for me. Sometimes it still is.
Then, I realized that it was an important part of growing in my faith. As I worked on accepting God’s love so I could continue to grow in my faith, I felt more at peace in my heart.
I now make time each day to pray and make time each week to read God’s word in the Bible so I can know and understand Him better.
Putting into practice the ideas and methods in the Faith Spurts guide can help you, too.
Is Faith Spurts a real book? Can I get a physical copy?
No. Faith Spurts is not a physical book. It is a comprehensive system for helping you grow in your faith. Please keep in mind that all materials are delivered digitally in PDF format.
At this time Faith Spurts is only available in digital PDF format. You can print the entire file and have it bound or keep it in a 3-ring binder. Or, you can print just the pages you need and read it on your computer or electronic device.
How soon after purchasing will I receive my product?
Faith Spurts will be delivered digitally to the email address you provide at the checkout page. It should arrive in your e-mail inbox within 5-10 minutes of your purchase.
You will also be able to access it right from the page that confirms your payment after your payment has been received.
How do I know whether Faith Spurts is right for me?
Faith Spurts is for you if:
How does Faith Spurts work?
Faith Spurts is laid out so you can easily see what it contains. Each of the three sections has a lesson to read, prayers, worksheets to go through to apply the lessons, and then a bonus lesson related to the topic.
Each lesson is designed to guide you to a deeper understanding of that topic (your IDENTITY in Christ, BIBLE, and PRAYER), review what you have learned, and provide ways to implement each lesson in your own life.
What if I do not grow in my prayer life?
Faith Spurts is for anyone who wishes to grow in their prayer life and who wants some help to do so.
Do you want to grow in your faith?
Will you make time for God in your life every day and work to draw closer to Him?
These are key factors to growing in your faith. It takes heart work to grow in faith. Just as any relationship will wither and fade if it is not nourished, so will your relationship with God.
Faith Spurt’s purpose is to serve you and help you to develop a closer relationship with God and grow in your faith, but you need to put in the time, effort, and work-the heart-to make it happen.
What’s the investment?
The price to buy Faith Spurts is $25.
The value of a deeper faith life can be measured by peace of mind and heart.
What’s the return/refund policy?
This digital copy of Faith Spurts has a 14-day guarantee.
If you have worked through Faith Spurts and did not find any value in it what-so-ever, within 14 days of purchase, send an e-mail to to state why you did not value it and your money will be refunded.

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