Does getting chores done at your house feel like a never-ending task? Does it seem like every time you turn around, laundry needs to be put away or dishes washed? I often felt like a chicken running around with my head cut off, not knowing where to begin. Then, I discovered a great way to get chores done without feeling frazzled. It was so simple! It helped me to be focused and feel peaceful each day.
Get Chores Done Without Feeling Stressed Out
1. Make a list of the daily chores you need to do.
Think of the chores that need to get done every day. For me, the chores are laundry, dishes, decluttering for 15 minutes, and a task that I need to get to.
Next, think of something that you enjoy that you can add to your list. I enjoy writing, so I added this to my list as well.
The unnamed task I need to get done differs each day. One day it might be a phone call to a utility company, another day it could be making a dentist appointment, and the next day it may be filling out a form for one of our kids for an event. You may find it helpful to keep a list specifically for these tasks so you can keep track of them.
Handy tip: Keep your list short! Remember, these are chores or tasks you have every day, day in and day out. Having a long list can add more stress to your life. The purpose of this plan is to decrease stress in your life!
2. Prioritize your list.
The next step it to put your items in order based on how important they are to you and your family.
Ask yourself, “If I could only get one of these chores done today, what would it be?” That is your number one chore.
For me, it is dishes. (I do not like a sink full of dirty dishes staring at me all day!) The next important chore is laundry, then completing a task, then decluttering, and last was writing.
3. Write out your list and put it on the refrigerator.
Put this list on your refrigerator or in a place where you can easily see it.
Instead of keeping my list on a piece of paper, I actually made magnets for my tasks. I listed each task on a separate small piece of paper, glued it to a piece of thick paper the same size (a cereal box can easily be cut up for this idea), and attached a magnet to the back of it. I put them all on the refrigerator in a group.
After I completed a chore each day, I moved its magent way from the others so I could keep track of what I had completed and what was next on my list. Soon we were referring to them as my magnet tasks.
4. Follow your list each day.
Even if I didn’t get through all of the tasks in one day (I usually didn’t), I would start over the next day. For me, getting them done in the order I planned was key to my peace of mind.
The same method may not work for you. You may want to pick up where you left off the day before if you didn’t get to all of your tasks.
It is up to you to decide how to implement this system. It is for your benefit and peace of mind, so make it work for you in a way that will benefit you.
With a prioritized list in place, whenever I had a few minutes in my day when I wasn’t doing something else, I consulted my list and knew what to do next. My list helped me to be focused and productive instead of wasting time.
When I started this system, I did not let a small amount of time deter me from working on the next item. Even if I did not have time to finish it, I worked on it for the amount of time I had available.
At the times when I didn’t have much time to work on a chore, I could get at least something done in however much time I had, be it 5 minutes or 15 minutes.
With a few minutes, I could wash and dry some dishes, start a load of laundry, or take a load out of the drier.
5. Enjoy the peace that you have from being focused and productive.
I set up this system to bring focus and peace to my day. Whenever I had a few moments in my day, I used to wonder what I should do next, especially if I knew I only had a few minutes. This system saved me time since I could check my list and know exactly what to do next.
Another bonus was our kids reading the list and helping out. They, too, could see what needed to be done and could easily pitch in to help.
Tip: If your kids are not reading yet, you can put a picture of each chore on your refrigerator so they will know what needs to be done. Young kids like to help!
Following your list will help you to be more focused. This brings peace to your heart and peace to your home. Make sure you take the time to enjoy that peace!
You can add an item to your list that is something you enjoy. Then, make sure you take the time to do it.
To get chores done without stressing out, make a plan.
Remember to follow these steps:
1. Make a list of the daily chores you need to do.
2. Prioritize your list.
3. Write out your list and put it on the refrigerator.
4. Follow your list each day.
5. Enjoy the peace that you have from being focused and productive.
Resources to help you get chores done
“5 Simple House Cleaning Strategies”
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