Good Catholic books for children
Good Catholic Books to Read: Help your Children to Grow in Faith
As parents, we want the best for our children. We want to help our children to learn about the Catholic faith and to grow in faith as they grow up. There are many good Catholic books for children that can help us to teach our kids more about the faith and help to foster their love for God.
The books are divided into categories: Faith, Prayer, Mass, Bible, Sacraments, and Saints for easy reference. If you have a favorite book you do not see listed, please leave a comment so others can learn about it.

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Catholic Books for Children about the Faith
Book of Catholic Signs & Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their History and Meaning
Book of Catholic Signs & Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their History and Meaning by Loyola Kids was written by Amy Welborn. It proved a wealth of knowledge on the Catholic faith. From God and Jesus, Mary and the saints, to symbols and the items in church for Mass, Ms. Welborn covers a lot of material. Young and old alike can learn from this great resource.
This Is the Church
This Is the Church, written by Katie Warner and illustrated by Meg Whalen, gives kids a view of our Catholic faith using wonderful pictures to show the history of the faith from Adam to Christ.
Catholic Books for Children about Prayer
Coloring Book: The Prayers of the Church
The Prayers of the Church Coloring Activity Book is great for young kids to help them engage more with the meaning of the prayers.
My Superhero Prayer Book: Traditional Catholic Prayers for Awesome Catholic Kids
My Superhero Prayer Book: Traditional Catholic Prayers for Awesome Catholic Kids is by Catholic mom Kendra Tierney. It contains twenty-three Catholic prayers and illustrations to engage children’s interest.
The Rosary for Little Ones
Kimberly Fries’ book The Rosary for Little Ones introduces each mystery of the Rosary and has pictures of roses kids can use to follow along with as they pray the Rosary.
Catholic Books for Children about the Mass
Father Ben Gets Ready for Mass
Father Ben Gets Ready for Mass will introduce kids to the priesthood in a unique way as they follow Fr. Ben as he gets ready to say Mass. Written by Katie Warner and illustrated by Meg Whalen, this book will help young children to understand how they, too can prepare themselves for each Mass.
My Picture Missal
The Mass for Children
Although Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. wrote both My Picture Missal and The Mass for Children many years ago, they are helpful guides for young children about the Mass. My Picture Missal‘s illustrations show kids what is going on during each part of the Mass. Children can take this to Mass with them and follow along.

Catholic Books for Children about the Bible
My Catholic Picture Bible Stories
My Catholic Picture Bible Stories by Jan Godfrey and Angela Jolliffe was designed for kids 3-7 by the publishers of The Great Adventure Catholic Bible. My Catholic Picture Bible Stories contains over 55 Bible stories to engage young readers and teach them the Bible.
New Catholic Picture Bible: Popular Stories from the Old and New Testaments
New Catholic Picture Bible: Popular Stories from the Old and New Testaments is by Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. It is for young kids and has full-color illustrations of the Bible stories from the New and Old Testaments.
The Catholic Bible for Children
The Catholic Bible for Children is for kids ages 8-11. Written by Karine-Marie Amiot, Francois Carmagnac, and Christophe Raimbault, it is over 200 pages long. It also includes a glossary for easy reference in locating people, places, and important information in the Bible.
Catholic Books for Children about the Sacraments
Jesus Speaks to Me about My Baptism
Jesus Speaks to Me about My Baptism is for younger kids. It explains Baptism directly to the child and shows how Baptism is based in Scripture. It is written by Angela Burrin and illustrated by Maria Cristina Lo Cascio.
A Little Book about Confession for Children
A Little Book about Confession for Children by Kendra Tierney explains the Sacrament of Confession-what it is about and why it is important. It contains instructions on how to prepare for Confession and an examination of conscience. With color illustrations, it is a great resource to help your child be ready to receive the Sacrament of Confession and to use over and over again.
Heavenly Hosts: Eucharistic Miracles for Kids
Kathryn Griffin Swegart OFS’s book Heavenly Hosts: Eucharistic Miracles for Kids contains illustrated stories of many Eucharistic miracles. It will capture kids’ attention and help them to better understand the power of the Eucharist.
Child’s Guide to the Seven Sacraments
Child’s Guide to the Seven Sacraments for kids 5-9 by Elizabeth Ficocelli is a small book that covers all the Sacraments at once in an engaging way in the context of a story.
Catholic Books for Children about the Saints
Picture Book of Saints
Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D.’s Picture Book of Saints contains biographies of more than 100 saints. Full-color illustrations easily capture the attention of young readers.
Book of Saints
The Book of Saints from Loyola Kids is written by Amy Welborn and illustrated by Ansgar Holmberg. It contains biographies of over forty saints, from children to adults, king, and martyr.
I’m a Saint in the Making
Lisa M. Hendey and Katie Broussard’s I’m a Saint in the Making is a great way to help your children understand that they, too, can be saints. They explain about saints-who they are, and how they lived their lives-to show that everyone can live a life focused on God and aspire to be a saint.
Good Catholic Books for Children to Grow in Faith
There are so many wonderful books you can use to help your children grow in faith. Setting the example of spending time in spiritual reading is helpful, too; they will see that you are interested in your faith. Pray for guidance as a parent. God will help you.
Good Catholic Books for all ages
Here are some other posts with Catholic books on other topics as well:
Good Catholic Books to Read: Grow in Knowledge of Your Faith
Good Catholic Books to Read: Improve Your Prayer Life
Good Catholic Books to Read: on the Vocation of Motherhood
Good Catholic Books to Read About the Mass
Good Catholic Books to Read: Reading about the Saints
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