Mom, take care of yourself!
How to Take Care of Yourself as a Mom
Do you wonder how to take care of yourself as a mom? Do you feel guilty for taking the time to do something you enjoy or do you think taking care of yourself will take you away from your family?
It can be challenging as a mom to take care of your own needs and the needs of your family. There is one very important thing to remember: you are part of your family.
As a mom, you need to take care of the needs of your family, and that includes taking care of your own needs as well. You are a VITAL part of your family. If you don’t take care of your own needs, how well will you be able to take care of the needs of your family?

Taking care yourself is important.
You need to take care of yourself so you do not become depleted. You have probably heard the analogy of a vessel pouring out. There can be a point when everything is poured out. It is empty. It needs to be refilled again before it can pour out again.
This is why self-care is important for moms. You need to fill yourself up so that you do not become depleted. When you become depleted, you can become tired, stressed out, angry, resentful, short-tempered, and you may act in ways to your family or to yourself that you might regret. You can prevent (or at least minimize) that from happening by making the time to nurture yourself as a mom.
Remember that nurturing does not mean eating too many sweets or staying up too late. (Ask me how I know!) Nurturing yourself means filling up areas in your life where you are drained or running low. Nurturing yourself means taking care of your needs-physical, emotional, and spiritual.
When was the last time you took the time to renew yourself as a mom?
If you need to schedule a few hours, schedule a few hours. If you need to make a routine of adding quiet time for yourself every day, begin a new routine.
Each of us is different. Try different things to find out what is best for you. Running may be what is best for you; reading, prayer, or getting more sleep may be what you need. Also, your needs may change as your life changes. Evaluate yourself to see where you are becoming depleted. Be aware to the things you do that nurtures you and helps to fill you up again.
Evaluate what you need to function your best and then make a plan and put your plan into action! Give yourself the gift of taking care of yourself. Do something today to fill yourself up so that you do not become depleted.
What do you do to take care of yourself ?
Think about the things you already do to take care of yourself. Do they nurture your body, your mind, or your spirit? Taking care of yourself as a mom means being aware of all these parts of yourself.
Here are some things to do to take care of yourself and some steps to take to evaluate your needs for self-care.
Do you get enough sleep? Do you eat well?
Self-care means taking care of ALL of your needs. The need for enough sleep and proper nutrition to feel your best and function well are both vital to your wellbeing. You need to avoid doing just enough to get by.
These can be challenging when you have a baby or young kids. Do your best to get the sleep you need and take time to rest during the day when you can. Sometimes you may feel like sleeping and resting are self-indulgent instead of necessary, but they are necessary when you are not sleeping enough during the night because you are taking care of your family members.
Getting enough sleep, resting during the day if you need to, and eating nutritious food will help you to refill your energy. It will help you to have a more positive attitude and help you to be the you that you want yourself to be.
Nurture your body as well as your spirit: get a good night’s rest and eat well.

Remember that you are unique.
Do you look at yourself as a unique person created by God when you think of self-care?
What do you like to do for fun? to relax? to rejuvenate yourself? How are you uniquely made by God and how can you become more aware of this to help you to renew yourself each day?
Think about this for a moment. The next two sections will help you with this.
What lights a fire in you that you love to do? What are you passionate about in your life? It may be hobbies, projects, volunteer work, or a talent you are good at.
Make time for them in your life. Your passions are a part of who you are; don’t hide them away, but spend time nurturing them.
Even if you only spend fifteen minutes doing something you love, it will be time well spent.
Do you have a self-care list for yourself?
Create a “Things that fill me up” list for those times when you have time to care for yourself, but you just don’t know what to do so you spend part of your time trying to figure that out first! Time is precious, so be prepared to spend it well.
Put on the list things that bring you joy, renew your spirit, and help fill you up when you are feeling depleted. Keep it handy so you can add to it as you think of more things.
Your list may include taking a jog, working on a puzzle, taking a bubble bath, going to sleep early, or reading a book for more than five minutes.
Having a list will help you to maximize your self-care time, so you aren’t spending part of it wondering what to do!
Self-care with others
Self-care does not have to mean being alone. Sometimes we are renewed when we spend time with others.
What is something you like to do with someone else that helps you to renew your spirit?
Calling a good friend to catch up or going out with friends may bring you joy.
Taking a walk as a family, playing card games or board games, or maybe popping some popcorn and watching a favorite movie together help you to renew yourself.
Think about things you do with others that help you to feel renewed. Plan time for these activities, too.
Make small amounts of time count.
If you don’t have a lot of time today to nurture yourself, what can you do in the time you have?
Perhaps you can read a book you enjoy for 10 minutes.
Take a walk with your family. Play a card game with your kids.
Go to bed a little bit early so you don’t just drop in bed exhausted at the end of the day.
Take one thing off your to-do list.
Self-care does not need to be hours. Self-care needs to be caring for yourself and your needs.

Do you take care of yourself?
It is important to remember that you are part of your family, too. You need to take care of yourself as well as your family members.
You are part of your family!
Just as you take care of your spouse and children, you also need to take care of yourself. If you don’t, will anyone else?
More resources to help you to take care of yourself as a mom
7 Ways to Take Care of Yourself
Follow these 5 Guidelines to Learn How Not to Lose Yourself in Motherhood
Get your life together! A Gift Guide for the Catholic Mom
What to do When You’re Running on Empty

I am so glad you are here. It is so helpful to be around other Catholic moms to gain encouragement and support as we live out our vacation. God bless you, too.