Prayer After Confession: a Humble Prayer

Prayer After Confession
O God of mercy, having now through Thy gracious goodness disburdened my conscience of the guilt wherewith it was oppressed, and, in the humblest manner I was able, discovered all the sins I could recollect to Thy minister, my ghostly father, I most humbly beseech Thee to accept this confession, and forgive me all my trespasses as well those I have forgotten as those I have remembered. Grant me grace, O Lord, to live more carefully hereafter, and to abstain from my former vices, which I usually detest, firmly purposing never to be guilty of them any more. But especially, O must merciful and bountiful Savior, enable me to withstand those temptations with which I am most infested, and to avoid all occasions of offending Thee for the future. If the just man falls seven times in the day, how much more reason have I to be jealous of myself, O Lord, and to fear that I shall not be steadfast in my resolutions, having, through my own frailty and vicious customs, increased the natural blindness and weakness in which I was born! Yet, O Lord, I firmly purpose, through Thy merciful assistance, never to consent to any mortal sin, from which I humbly beseech Thee to preserve me whilst I live; and, as to my venial sins and imperfections, I resolve to strive against them, and hope, through Thy goodness, at length to amend them.
After receiving God’s mercy and love in the Sacrament of Confession, you have the opportunity to tell Him how much you appreciate His gift of forgiveness. In English, this Catholic Prayer After Confession is a beautiful, humble prayer wherein you recognize both your human weakness and God’s ability to help you to turn away from sin. Through the Sacrament of Penance, your soul is once again free from sin. With God’s help, you can stay away from sin as much as possible. The prayer shows hope and confidence in God to help you to do that.
Go here to find the Prayer Before Confession.
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For more Catholic Prayers, you may enjoy any of the following books: Catholic Prayers, Catholic Prayers for All Occasions, Mothers’ Manual prayer book, Fathers’ Manual prayer book, or Catholic Prayer Book for Children.
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