Do you have a prayer intention you would like the Blessed Catholic Mom community of readers to pray for this month of June?
You are in the right place!
Please leave a comment below with your prayer intention(s) so we can pray for each other.
Even if you do not have a prayer intention to share, please pray for those listed.

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If you are looking for more prayers to help you grow closer to our Lord you can find more in the Prayers section. There is also a section focused on Mass Prayers.
You can find some great resources recommended for growing in prayer here: Good Catholic Books to Read: Improve Your Prayer Life
Nunc Coepi: A Year of Prayer from Blessed is She is a book to lead you daily through a year of prayer. It contains Scripture selections, weekly reflections, and writings from Jean Pierre de Cassaude, Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, Gabrielle Bossis, Saint Philip Neri, the Desert Fathers and Mothers, and Saint Francis de Sales. This book will help you to develop a habit of prayer and deepen your prayer life.
Please pray for me for the vocation which God has called me, a priesthood vocation,I have many challenges facing me on my way may God who called me be my guide for me to do and accomplish his work
Thank you for your obedience to God’s calling, and for what you will do for us within the Catholic church acting in the person of Jesus for us!
I lift all of you in my prayers. Please pray for my husband Chuck’s leg to heal he has a very painful MRSA infection. And for our sons who strayed from the faith and out wretched living situation to change and for my sister in law Mary mental physical and spiritual health
God bless you all
Please continue to pray for my husband in applying for a student visa.May he granted his visa in accordance with God’s will and time.Thank you!
Please pray that my husband Dan and our whole family can come to the Catholic faith.
Please pray for my husband and I as we are struggling in our marriage of 33 years . He has lost all faith in Jesus. Please pray for us.
Please pray for my daughter,she will 2years old by June 17, she keeps crying without a cause at home, in the church even at night hours. She cries without listening and she is medically fit.
Pls. include in your prayers for my husband.He is scheduled for an interview this coming June 15 in an international school in Australia for his application of student visa.May the Lord give him the wisdom from above.Thank you!
Praying for my dad Tony and Jeanette my daughter having birthdays. For Denise our friend cure her cancer. Joe healing from accident, my grand children health and the return to our church by family members.
I really want to get strong in my faith and be an example to my daughter so that she too relies on the Lord and our Blessed Mother for all her needs be it Spiritual or even Physical so that whatever be the Will of the Lord should come to pass. Bring my daughter Esther back to the prayer life she once was at.
THANKS for your prayers Mary. Please pray for me, am due for a major surgery and just waiting for my blood levels to rise before they do it. Thank you
1. Please pray for my sisters family Mr. Vinnarasan & Mrs. Gilda and Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Matharasi to peace for their families and Good understanding in the family with husband and wife. Children should be obedient to their parents.
2. my bothers Mr. Praveen should get Job and settle his life with christen faith family .
3. my native place people should understand each other, fringing each other should lead their life with faith families . kindly keep all these intention for this month along with common intentions. thanking you by Sr.Ramya
Please pray for my son Joan.He graduated school have now final exams.Please pray difficult time for him.Wisdom and peace will be with him in that time.
Please pray for my sister Mary who is going g through tests to see how cancerous her breast cancer might be. Dear Lord please show her grace and have the best case scenario of little to no cancer to deal.with. Please lift her burden.