Welcome to the May prayer intentions post! If you have a prayer intention you would like the Blessed Catholic Mom community of readers to pray for this month, please leave a comment below.
If you do not have a prayer intention to share, please pray for the intentions listed.
We can pray for each other as members of the amazing Body of Christ.

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If you are looking for more prayers to help you grow closer to our Lord you can find more in the Prayers section. There is also a section focused on Mass Prayers.
You can find some great resources recommended for growing in prayer here: Good Catholic Books to Read: Improve Your Prayer Life
Nunc Coepi: A Year of Prayer from Blessed is She is a book to lead you daily through a year of prayer. It contains Scripture selections, weekly reflections, and writings from Jean Pierre de Cassaude, Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, Gabrielle Bossis, Saint Philip Neri, the Desert Fathers and Mothers, and Saint Francis de Sales. This book will help you to develop a habit of prayer and deepen your prayer life.
Please Blessed Mother, in this month of May… Remember, the breaking of my heart when my wedding anniversary May 5 reminded me that only the first 21 of the 33 years since I was married did my husband choose to stay at my side and keep his vows to me, and to our children.
Please Blessed Mother in this month of May remember that because I became homeless and without a job for five years, and finally have found the job where I teach children art… That because this new joy is found, I now have no car because my car broke down beyond repair as it is old and too expensive to fix.
I want to keep this job , Blessed Mother and provide well for my children who are now older, but need me to visit them and without a car I can do neither.
Thank you Blessed Mother for hearing the prayers of my heart that someday my family will be reconciled with your Beloved Son, and never again offend him.
please pray for my Father who has been sick for sometimes , he was diagnosed with kidney infection and enlarged prostrate. We ask for your prayers as he is scheduled for Minor operation on 29th May, 2023.
Please Pray for my beautiful brother who sadly passed away leaving a young family and partner. May they always be watched over and loved. Also my younger brother to be relieved of his addictions. God bless and thank you.
peace be with you please prayers for my grandchild Matthew his mother abused him his only 5years old ..I’m very worried about him and stress out ..please my prayer worries intercede for him and the morther that’s she can stop what she’s doing ..Amen
Praying for sweet Matthew and his mom. Are you in a position to offer to babysit him sometimes? Maybe some breaks for mom could help her get to a better place for her to parent at her best?
Pray for Steve for conversion healing humility protection in his going out and coming in ..
Please pray for my 21 year old daughter’s healing. She has infected kidneys, high acid in the stomach and two ovarian cysts.
Thank you and God bless you all.
Praying for people who struggle with mental health issues, especially a friend’s daughter. Dear God, may they avoid self medicating and trust reliable doctors and counselors to help them. We pray for all our children and the people around them; may they be blessed! Thank you ????
Praying for both my children but especially Michael who is in the latter
years of high school with a learning disability. He is confused and easily influenced to do wrong, lies and does not understand consequences of actions.
I am praying that Jesus would hold Michael safe as he navigates the difficult years of teens/ young adulthood. And you, as you face the heartbreak and stress of parenting a child who struggles in the world. My heart goes out to your family.
For our young adults to hear the Voice of Jesus, and be enlivened by the Eucharist Revival.
Prayer Intentions for May 2023
1. Praying for my daughter Clarice who has been diagnosed with mental illness to be liberated from the disease and also from the abuse of cannabis.
2. praying for Eileen & Chris that they may not throw their marriage away but be humble enough to work out their difficulties and to be there for their daughter Ally.
3. praying for Zuviel that he might build a good career, whilst focusing on God. Also for him to meet a good catholic girl as a marriage partner.
4. Praying for the intercession of the Blessed Mother in all these intentions and all the things my family stands in need of.
5. Praying for all terminally ill members of my immediate and extended family.