Prayer to Grow in Faith

Prayer to Increase Faith
Lord, I believe that You are the One True God.
Help me to believe in You more.
Lord, I see evidence of You in my life.
Help me to see You more.
Lord, I hear You in my life.
Help me to hear You even more.
Lord, I trust in You above others.
Help me to trust in You even more.
Lord, know You love me.
Help me to know and feel Your love even more.
Lord, I know You died for me and my sins.
Help me to be sorrowful for what I do that is wrong and help me to turn from sin each day.
Lord, I know You opened the gates of Heaven for those who believe.
Help me to strive each day to live for my eternal home of Heaven.
Lord, You told us to love You with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Help me to love You with all of my heart, mind, soul, and strength rather than with just some of them.
Lord, You told us to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Help me to love myself and to love my neighbor as You ask me to.
Lord, may Your great love and sacrifice for me inspire and encourage me to truly live my life for You. May my faith in You increase each day as I pray and strive to live my life for You.
Prayer to Increase Faith is an original prayer by Mary at Blessed Catholic Mom. It may not be copied without the permission of the author.
In the Prayer to Increase Faith, we recognize that we can fall short of truly living our Catholic faith. May we know, love, and serve God even more in our lives each day. May we turn from sin, turn to God, and listen to His voice in prayer and in the Scriptures. May we study more about our faith so we may understand Him better, love Him more, and truly live our lives for Him. May we pray for ourselves that we will work to increase our faith and devotion to God.
If you are looking for more prayers to help you grow closer to our Lord you can find more in the Prayers section. There is also a section focused on Mass Prayers.
If you are looking for more ways to grow in faith, here are some resources you may find helpful:
Blessed is She has four different Catholic Study Guides to choose from to help you grow in faith.

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