Prayer for Strength to Live my Faith Well

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Prayer to Live my Faith Well
Lord, thank you for my faith.
Thank you for all that You do for me.
You created me and called me to You.
Help me to answer Your call with faith, trust, and love every day.
Help my faith to grow.
Help me to trust You more.
Help me to love You more every day
and to love others more every day, too,
for You are present in each person I meet.
I read about the martyrs whose faith and hope in You
was so strong that they willingly died for You.
Lord, may my faith, trust, and hope in You be so strong
that I will be able to die for You if necessary.
Please help me to grow in my faith each day,
looking to You in faith, trust, and love for guidance
and help each step of the way.
May my faith, hope, and confidence in You grow even stronger
and may I one day hear these words from You,
“Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
Thank you.
Prayer to Live my Faith Well is an original prayer composed by Mary at Blessed Catholic Mom. All rights reserved. You have permission to use it for personal use. Please contact Blessed Catholic Mom if you have any questions.
Prayer to Live my Faith Well was inspired by the feast day of the martyrs Saints Andrew Kim Tae-Gon, Paul Chong, and his companions (September 20th). As Catholic Christians, we don’t just want to live our faith, but live it to the best of our ability. We see the examples of faith that the martyrs had and it can inspire us to have a deep, unwavering faith as well. Looking at their examples, we also know that such a faith is possible. With God, ALL things are possible. (Matthew 19:26) God will help us to be as close to Him as we can be. The quote, “Well done, my good and faithful servant,” is from Matthew 25:21.
If you are looking for more prayers to help you grow closer to our Lord you can find more in the Prayers section. There is also a section focused on Mass Prayers.
You can find some great resources recommended for growing in prayer here: Good Catholic Books to Read: Improve Your Prayer Life

Nunc Coepi: A Year of Prayer from Blessed is She is a book to lead you daily through a year of prayer. It contains Scripture selections, weekly reflections, and writings from Jean Pierre de Cassaude, Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, Gabrielle Bossis, Saint Philip Neri, the Desert Fathers and Mothers, and Saint Francis de Sales. This book will help you to develop a habit of prayer and deepen your prayer life.
The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion by Rev. John Croiset shares the message Jesus gave to St. Margaret Mary about His Sacred Heart. Fr. Croiset was the spiritual director for St. Margaret Mary for 43 years. The book also contains St. Margaret Mary’s prayers to the Sacred Heart and the Sacred Heart Promises.

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