Uplifting Quotes from St. Therese, the Little Flower
Inspiring Quotes from St. Therese of Lisieux to Turn Your Heart to God
Growing up in a Catholic family, the saint I heard the most about was St. Therese of Lisieux. She was a saint my family connected with.
I picked St. Therese as my Confirmation saint and over the years I have read her autobiography and many other books as I have learned more about her.
Her little way to keep her heart and mind focused on God (rather than on spiders or other Sisters who were grumpy) not only helped her reach sainthood, but helps us today to keep our own minds and hearts focused on God.
Before she died, St. Therese said that she planned to spend her time in Heaven doing good on earth. She wants to help us and pray for us. We can ask her to pray for us, that we may understand more about God, grow to love Him more and more, and thus be closer to Him.
St. Therese, please pray for us. Amen.

Favorite Quotes from St. Therese
Here are some wonderful quotes from St. Therese. May they inspire us to a deeper faith in God, our loving Father, and in Christ, our Brother and Redeemer.
“Let us not grow tired of prayer. Confidence works miracles.”
“So that is all that Jesus wants from us, he does not need our accomplishments, only our love. He thirsts for love.”
“Only that which is eternal can satisfy us.”
“Charity took possession of my soul and filled me with the spirit of self-forgetfulness, and from that time I was always happy.”
“Yes, all is well when we seek only the will of Jesus.”
“I know that Jesus is in me – it is he who does everything in me: I do nothing.”
“My strength lies in prayer and sacrifice; they are invincible weapons, and touch hearts more surely than words can do, as I have learned by experience.”
“We have only short moments of this life to work for God’s glory. The devil knows this and that is why he tries to make us waste time in useless things. O, let us not waste our time! Let us save souls! Souls are falling into hell innumerable as the flakes of snow on a winter day. Jesus weeps! Instead of consoling Him we brood over our own sorrows…”
“What would become of me if God did not give me courage?”
“Many people say, “I don’t have the courage to make this sacrifice.” Let them do what I did: exert a great effort. God never refuses that first grace which gives one the courage to act; afterwards the heart is strengthened.”
“Indeed the life of a good religious man is a cross, but it is a cross that conducts him to Paradise.”
“I realize better than ever before how tender and merciful Our Lord is; He has sent me this cross when I am capable of bearing it, whereas before I should have given way to discouragement.”
“Since I also have been given to understand the Love of the Heart of Jesus, I confess that all fear has been driven from mine.”
“Nothing is sweeter than love; nothing stronger, nothing higher, nothing more generous, nothing more pleasant, nothing fuller or better in heaven or earth: for love proceeds from God, and cannot rest but in God, above all things created.”
“Now that I am about to appear before God, I understand very clearly that one thing only is necessary: to work for Him alone, and not for oneself or for others.”

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Wow. What richness of faith St. Therese had. We can spend time in prayer, meditating on each of these quotes from her. We are so blessed to have her writings with us so we can learn from her about her faith and her great love for God so we may learn ways we can love God even more and live more closely united to Him.
If you would like to receive a quote from St. Therese’s every day, you can sign up at the website: Society of the Little Flower.
If you want to read more about St. Therese, here are some books you may find helpful:
Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux (the Little Flower)
The Letters of St. Therese of Lisieux, Vol. I: 1877-1890 (English and French Edition)
Letters of St. Therese of Lisieux, Volume II: General Correspondence 1890-1897
St. Therese of Lisieux: Her Last Conversations
The Prayers of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

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