33 Short Catholic Daily Prayers-Ideas for When you Feel Uninspired in Prayer
33 Short Daily Prayers-Ideas for When you Feel Uninspired in Prayer
Sometimes during the day when I want to say a quick prayer, my mind draws a blank. What words should I pray? What should I say to God? I even wonder if I should wait to pray until I have more time. Then I remember that God is always with me and He wants to hear from me, even if I only pray a short prayer. If you find yourself feeling uninspired when you want to say a short prayer to God, these 33 short daily prayers are ideas to help you out for the times when you feel uninspired in prayer.
Short daily prayers to start the day
Lord, thank You for this day. Amen.
Lord, help me to live today well. Amen.
Lord, I offer my day to You. Amen.
Jesus, guide all my thoughts, words, and actions of this day. Amen.
Jesus, be with me today. Amen.
Jesus, may I remember that You walk beside me in all I do. Amen.
Short prayers of thanks
Lord, thank You for the gift of my life. Amen.
Lord, thank You for my family. Amen.
Lord, thank You for the many gifts You have given me. Amen.
Thank You, Jesus, for Your gift of Yourself to me and to the world. Amen.
Thank You, O Lord, for Your goodness. Amen.
Thank You, Lord, for creating me and helping me to love You. Amen.
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Prayers of praise
Lord, Creator of the Universe, I adore You. Amen.
Lord, You are wonderful and worthy of praise. Amen.
Lord, I praise You for Who You are. Amen.
Lord, You are Wonderful, Awesome, Creator, Blessed. I adore You. Amen.
I praise You, Jesus, for You have redeemed the world. Amen.
I praise You, Lord, for saving me. Amen.
Short prayers of hope
Jesus, I hope in You. Amen.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I place my hope in you. Amen.
Jesus, have mercy on me. Amen.
Jesus, hope of Heaven, pray for me. Amen.
Jesus, my salvation, I hope in You and in Your mercy. Amen.
Short prayers for others
Lord, be with my family this day and always. Amen.
Jesus, thank You for watching over and protecting my family. Amen.
Lord, comfort those who are sick and those who are dying. Amen.
O Jesus, be with those who do not believe in You, that they may see Your face and believe. Amen.
Jesus, Salvation of the world, be with Your people. Amen.
Short prayers for daily living
Lord, help me to live each of my days well. Amen.
May I remember Your Commandments, Lord, as I go through each day. Amen.
May I keep my eyes on You, O Lord. Amen.
May my words be Your words and my thoughts Your thoughts, O Lord. Amen.
May I honor You, Lord, in all that I do each day. Amen.
More short daily prayer ideas
In addition to praying any of these short daily prayers, I hope you are inspired to create your own short daily prayers. A short prayer can be just one sentence long. The purpose of prayer is heartfelt communication with God. That is all. Share your heart with God in short prayers at any time. He is always happy to hear from His beloved children.
Even more prayer resources and ideas
Nunci Coepi means now I begin. The Nunci Coepi Prayer Companion is a year-long prayer book to help you grow in your life of prayer.
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