I am happy you stopped by Blessed Catholic Mom. My name is Mary. Welcome to my online home!
A bit about me: I am a Catholic woman, wife to Alex, mother of five children ages 15-25, and researcher of ways to make life easier and bring more joy and peace into everyday life. I strive to learn more about God each day, grow closer to Him, and live my daily life as a faithful follower of Christ and His teachings.
I started Blessed Catholic Mom to help and inspire moms who often feel stressed out and overwhelmed with the responsibilities of raising a family and who also desire to have a closer relationship with God. How can we do both? Can we do both? Yes, we can. It may not always be easy, but we can raise a family and grow in faith. One day at a time, we can do this.
In our desire to be the best women we can be, have an awesome marriage, have a great relationship with our kids, grow in faith, have a clean home, and actually sleep, it can seem impossible at times and quite overwhelming to do all we want to do.
It is a matter of prioritizing what is most important, working together as a family, and making the time to live our best life now.
I read once that life is a gift God gives us. What we make of our lives is our gift back to God. I desire for my gift to be wonderful. Some days I think it is wrapped in crumpled paper, or even unwrapped, hidden in a closet somewhere and I am hoping God won’t ask me where it is. But then, I remember who God is.
God is loving, faithful, and true. He gave us His holy Word and His holy Church to lead and guide us, to comfort and inspire us in this life that He gave to us. He is with us every step of the way. We can fully rely on Him no matter what.
I hope Blessed Catholic Mom will help and inspire you in your vocation as a disciple of Christ, a wife, and a mother. I hope we will journey together as we figure things out day by day, even minute by minute, as we strive to cultivate peace and joy in our lives, in our homes, and in our hearts. May we rely on and trust in God and His plans for us. He is ever loving and ever faithful.
I would love to hear from you! If you have any questions or comments to share, you can contact me through the form below.
You are in my prayers. May you have a blessed day! ♥
A note: I am just a regular person wanting to live my life for God and to follow Him. I am not a trained counselor or theologian. My reflections here and elsewhere on my blog are my personal reflections about the Catholic faith in general and about my own faith life. I hope they inspire you to dive deeper into learning more about our faith and to develop a deeper relationship with our Lord.