And You Will Find Rest Book Review
Review of the Book And You Will Find Rest by Fr. Wayne Sattler
I am happy to share with you And You Will Find Rest: What God Does in Prayer based on the writings of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross by Fr. Wayne Sattler. It is not too common for a person to be asked to write a book to share his experiences with others, but that is the case with And You Will Find Rest.
Why did people ask Fr. Wayne Sattler for this book? So they could learn and benefit from Fr. Sattler’s research and experiences in prayer.

Who is the author?
Fr. Wayne Sattler is a priest in the Diocese of Bismarck, ND. He spent six years as a hermit, studying the works of St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila. The fruits of his prayerful solitude benefit us in his book.
One aspect of the book that impresses me is that Fr. Sattler’s book received both the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur designations. This means a bishop has verified that the work does not contain doctrinal or moral error. Most Reverend David D. Kagan, D.D., P.A., J.C.L., Bishop of Bismarck verified this for And You Will Find Rest.
What is And You Will Find Rest about?
And You Will Find Rest is about how to dive deeper into contemplative prayer. I know that sounds like a simple explanation! To summarize the beauty of Fr. Sattler’s book would take almost as many pages as his book. My husband always teases me that I should take highlights from a book, not write notes on everything! But when everything is so good, that is a difficult task.
And You Will Find Rest is a great book for anyone who wants to learn how to have a more effective prayer life. It is not light reading. Fr. Sattler not only shares works by the formidable St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, Doctors of the Church, but shares a lot from the Bible and other works to provide a full view of each point he talks about. It is worthwhile and serious reading for anyone who is ready to dive into deepening their prayer life.
That being said, my best advice is to read the book. My review will be an inadequate reflection of the depth and significance And You Will Find Rest provides to the work of prayer in our Catholic faith.
The three parts of And You Will Find Rest
And You Will Find Rest is divided into three parts. The following are very brief comments on each part.
Part One is titled Active Purifications of Our Senses and Spirit and focuses on how God communicates with us. Fr. Sattler describes how we can be more aware of our limitations as humans and discusses how we can use the way God created us to draw closer to Him.
Part Two is titled Passive Purification of the Senses. This focuses on how we can apply what St. Teresa of Avila teaches us in her work The Interior Castle. Fr. Sattler’s focus here helps us go into a deeper prayer life. We can trust in God and follow His path “that brings us beyond our fears into His rest.”
The third section focuses on what the dark night means according to St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila. Hint: it is not what people tend to think it means. Fr. Sattler explains this well as he brings us into The Dark Night by St. John of the Cross and the Fifth Dwelling Place from St. Teresa’s The Interior Castle. He draws out the meanings for us and guides the reader in understanding them better.
Learn more about And You Will Find Rest

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And You Will Find Rest is available in print and e-book versions:
Sophia Institute Press: And You Will Find Rest
Amazon: And You Will Find Rest
To learn more about And You Will Find Rest, visit Sophia Institute Press’ website: And You Will Find Rest.

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