Do you have a prayer intention you would like the Blessed Catholic Mom community of readers to pray for this month of December, the month when we prepare for and celebrate the birth of our Savior?
You are in the right place!
Please leave a comment below with your prayer intention(s) so we can pray for each other.

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If you are looking for more prayers to help you grow closer to our Lord you can find more in the Prayers section. There is also a section focused on Mass Prayers.
You can find some great resources recommended for growing in prayer here: Good Catholic Books to Read: Improve Your Prayer Life
Nunc Coepi: A Year of Prayer from Blessed is She is a book to lead you daily through a year of prayer. It contains Scripture selections, weekly reflections, and writings from Jean Pierre de Cassaude, Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, Gabrielle Bossis, Saint Philip Neri, the Desert Fathers and Mothers, and Saint Francis de Sales. This book will help you to develop a habit of prayer and deepen your prayer life.
healing for my sister Maria Cecilia and for Iris Barrio. for safe travels for my brother Manolet and family.
thanksgiving for blessings received.
Our friend broke her arm. They couldn’t place a cast. She is suffering in deep pain. Will not be able to see the doctor until January 3rd. Help me pray she gets rid of this pain.
I pray God will answer me on my constant prayer for health and I am able to accept his will, finally.
As we pray in oneness as the body of Christ, intercede for me for Lord’s mercy upon me, so that his gracious hands will come upon my handwork, jobs and contracts opportunity, my IT INTEGRATOR Company building, financial breakthrough, career breakthrough, grace of Blessed marital settlement, and to be able to meet up with my study program coming up January 2023. I pray for focus upon my goals, dream and live purpose. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ (Mathew 7:7)
My sister as she under goes surgery in Dec for pancreatic cancer tumor.
My daughter to find her rhythm thru her faith in her new journey and my understanding to help support her with love and grace and without anger and resentfulness.
Please let us pray for the souls in purgatory, and also for those who have no one to pray for them.
Help me pray for Agnes who was injured in a car accident. And Stella new born premature., for her to gain weight.
I pray for my friends (2 girls) who are in need of support of school fees in order to resume back to school that the good Lord may really provide the people of good will tho help them .And that in this situation,they may not engage themselves in immoralities.
I pray for the spiritual, physical and emotional healing of our family: my husband and I, and our 6 children.
I pray for financial healing, that I may successfully close a good deal for the first time in real estate, and that Jesus Christ may help me in my multiple streams of income, let his glorious hand be upon my trinitarian business (security technology, real estate and oil and gas). And may the Good lord give me the strength to focus in his kingdom investment as my priority. I pray to be a great financer of the Church and Gospel in Jesus name.
For the return to the faith of my sons and spouses, granddaughters, reconciliation within the family and harmony of extended family members; that we may be blessed with an abundance of abiding and empowering graces to develop spiritual courage and reject worldly aspirations that offends God and neighbor.
For the entire line of deceased souls in our parents and for all despairing souls. Amen.
Please pray for the conversion of my daughter, grandson and granddaughter who have left the Church…
Please pray for the safety, health and security of our home. One and a half year ago, we found an extensive amount of dangerous mold in the subfloors of our home. We have since been displaced and working to remediate by removing all impacted building materials including all flooring, subflooring, all attic insulation and entire HVAC system, as well as a lot of cleaning and testing. It has been a very frustrating, draining, testing, and expensive journey. We think we may be on the ending steps but please pray that everything we have done thus far has worked, and our family can be reunited to live all together as one in our home again, and for our bodies to successfully and safely heal. In Jesus name, we pray! AMEN!
Hi please pray for me to get a job. And also that God may reveal to me my mission.
i need prayer for financial healing and peace in our home and hearts ….thank you and God Bless