How to keep a prayer list as a log of your prayers and God’s answers.
How to Write a Prayer Journal
Do you keep a journal of your prayer requests and God’s answers? Learning how to write a prayer journal is very simple. Just follow these easy steps.
If you are looking for a prayer journal to keep track of your personal prayers, or favorite prayers and Bible verses, you may like this free printable Prayer Journal.
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1. Get a notebook.
A simple notebook is all you need. You could also use lined paper and a binder. All you need is paper and something to keep it in.
To set up the pages in your prayer journal, it is best to draw a line down the middle of the page. The left column is for your prayer requests and the right column is for the answers to your prayers.
By keeping all of your prayer requests in one designated place, it is easy to find them. You won’t be searching all over for the papers where you write down your requests. Or, you won’t forget them if you did not write them down.
2. Write down your prayer requests.
When you have a prayer request, log the date and the request in the left-hand column of your prayer journal.
Keep in mind that just because you write down a date with your prayer request does not mean this is the only time you will pray for this intention. For example, you may be praying for the recovery of a friend who is sick, or for a family member who has fallen away from the faith to return to Church. Keep praying! Perseverance in prayer is very important. God hears you every time you pray.
3. Write down how God has answered your prayers.
When a prayer is answered, find the prayer request in your prayer journal and write the date and how God has answered it in the right-hand column opposite your request.
There are three things to keep in mind about writing down your prayer requests.
The first is that it may be years before you have an obvious answer to your prayer. Don’t give up. God hears your prayers. He will answer them in His time.
The second thing to remember is that you may never know if your prayer was answered. Especially when you are praying for someone else, God may answer your prayers in a way that you don’t know about.
The third thing to keep in mind is that your prayers may not be answered in the way you expect or hope. Sometimes they will be answered in a way that is so much better than you could ever imagine. Other times, the answer will not be something you considered at all. At these times it is helpful to keep your faith in God strong. He is our Lord and He knows everything. He knows what is best for each person and what will help to bring each person closer to Him. Trust in Him.
4. Look through your prayer journal regularly.
Looking through your prayer journal once or twice a month. Looking through it is helpful for three reasons.
One, it reminds you of your prayer intentions so you can keep praying for them.
Two, you can see where you need to write down answered prayers that you have not written down yet.
Three, you can see all of the ways that God has answered prayers in your life and in the lives of those you have prayed for.
All these reasons can help to bring you closer to God. You can also share these answered prayers with others to help them to see more of the goodness of God.
More prayer journal and prayer resources.
If you are looking to also keep a prayer journal for your own prayers, notes, and inspirations, you may like this post: How to Start a Prayer Journal.
If you need some ideas or help with your prayers, check out How to “Pray About It.”
For more resources to help you deepen your prayer life, Good Catholic Books to Read: Improve Your Prayer Life has some great resources for you.
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