Litany for St. John the Baptist

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Litany for St. John the Baptist
Son of the priest Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth, pray for us.
The one whose birth was fortold by Gabriel, the angel of the Lord, pray for us.
The one given his name by God, pray for us.
Infant who leaped in the womb of His mother upon hearing the voice of the Blessed Virgin, carrying the Christ in her womb, pray for us.
Man great in the sight of the Lord, pray for us.
Prophet of the Most High, pray for us.
The one to shine on those who sit in darkness and death’s shadow, pray for us.
The one to guide the feet of God’s people into the path of peace, pray for us.
Child who grew and became strong in spirit, pray for us.
Man who turned many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God, pray for us.
Messenger sent ahead of Jesus, pray for us.
The voice crying out in the desert, “Make straight the way of the Lord,” pray for us.
The man chosen to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” pray for us.
One who proclaimed a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, pray for us.
The one who told us to, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths,” pray for us.
Wearer of clothing made of camel’s hair, pray for us.
The one who ate locusts and wild honey, pray for us.
Baptizer of those acknowledging their sins, pray for us.
Challenger of the Pharisees and Sadducees, pray for us.
Preacher of the good news to the people, pray for us.
Censurer of evil deeds, pray for us.
Forerunner of the One who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire, pray for us.
The man who called Jesus “the Lamb of God,” pray for us.
Baptizer of the Christ, pray for us.
One who was obedient to Jesus when He came to him for baptism, pray for us.
One who saw the Spirit come down like a dove upon Jesus, pray for us.
Man arrested for speaking the truth, pray for us.
Man beheaded for speaking out against evil, pray for us.
One who still inspires love and devotion to God, pray for us.
One who sets an example of faithful love for God and obedience to Him, pray for us.
One who lives with Jesus in Heaven, pray for us.
Oh, Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
This Litany for St. John the Baptist is an original prayer composed by Mary at Blessed Catholic Mom. All rights reserved. You have permission to use it for personal use. Please contact Blessed Catholic Mom if you have any questions.
This Litany for St. John the Baptist is inspired by words and phrases from the Bible that describe St. John the Baptist-who he was and what he did. He was an amazing herald for Christ and a faithful man, devoted to Jesus and obedient to Him. May we ask him to pray for us, that we may be ever faithful and obedient to Christ, no matter what the cost.
If you are looking for more prayers to help you grow closer to our Lord you can find more in the Prayers section. There is also a section focused on Mass Prayers.
You can find some great resources recommended for growing in prayer here: Good Catholic Books to Read: Improve Your Prayer Life

Nunc Coepi: A Year of Prayer from Blessed is She is a book to lead you daily through a year of prayer. It contains Scripture selections, weekly reflections, and writings from Jean Pierre de Cassaude, Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, Gabrielle Bossis, Saint Philip Neri, the Desert Fathers and Mothers, and Saint Francis de Sales. This book will help you to develop a habit of prayer and deepen your prayer life.
The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion by Rev. John Croiset shares the message Jesus gave to St. Margaret Mary about His Sacred Heart. Fr. Croiset was the spiritual director for St. Margaret Mary for 43 years. The book also contains St. Margaret Mary’s prayers to the Sacred Heart and the Sacred Heart Promises.

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