3 Easy Ways to Make Prayer a Habit in Your Daily Life
3 Easy Ways to Form a Habit of Prayer in Your Daily Life
how to make prayer a daily habitI was sitting a Mass one day and it was time for the priest to give his homily.
It was one of those rare days when my kids were all quiet at the same time. (Don’t ask me how that happened! I have no idea. 🤔) I was very happy that I would be able to listen to the homily with my full attention.
Then, the priest began. He had a short introduction and then he delivered the main message. It was so good. I hung on to each word he said. Then he stopped talking and left the lectern.
“What?! That is it!?” went through my mind. I was shocked and disappointed that he did not say more. But in the silence that followed, I realized that he was very smart to stop talking after delivering an important message.
The priest KNEW how important his message was. He knew we all needed time to let it soak into our souls, to think and pray about it for a while.
He knew that this message would have been less effective if he would have continued to speak about it.
That was another point that I understood that day: focus on one key message from God instead of trying to absorb all the messages all at once.
I am going to take a note from this priest’s book as I briefly share with you 3 Easy ways to form a habit of prayer in your daily life.
3 Easy ways to form a habit of prayer in your daily life
1. Decide what time you will pray each day.
Do you want to pray before you even get out of bed in the morning? Do you want to pray with your family before your kids go to bed?
Think of what time will work best for you each day and decide what time you want to pray.
Action: Get out a piece of paper and write “My Prayer Plan” at the top. Write down the time of day you will pray.
2. Decide what prayer you will pray.
Decide what prayer you will pray. A Morning Offering? The Our Father? The Divine Mercy Chaplet?
Decide which prayer you will pray. (You can always change this later, but you need to make a decision now to get started.)
Action: On your Prayer Plan write down the prayer you will pray.
3. Track each day that you pray.
One very helpful tool in creating a new habit is to track how often you do it.
I do have some advice here: do NOT beat yourself up if you miss a day (or two or three or even more). Just pray the next day.
All is not lost if you don’t pray for a day or two. Just pray the next day.
Action: On your Prayer Plan make a note of each day that you pray.
Bonus tip: Put your Prayer Plan in a place where you will see it every day, like on your mirror or bathroom counter.
Helpful tips to help you make prayer a habit in your daily life
- If you need help choosing a prayer, check out the Prayers section.
- Pick a short prayer.
- Write the prayer out on your Prayer Plan.
- Set an alarm to remind you to pray.
You can form a habit of daily prayer
You can pray every day. Just begin. God is with you. đź’– I am praying for you.
Resources to help you make prayer a habit in your daily life
33 Short Daily Prayers-Ideas for When you Feel Uninspired in Prayer
5 Simple Ideas to Add More Prayer to Your Day
Good Catholic Books to Read: Improve Your Prayer Life
Becky Zaragoza says
I got a lot out of three ways to include prayer in your life. It offered a positive easy way to motivate oneself. Your blogs are always positive and helpful
Happy Anniversary
Love, Aunt Becky
Mary says
I am so glad the post was helpful to you! Thank you for your kind words and anniversary wishes. đź’–
Cindy Shortall says
Wonderful insights into the treasure of prayer. You are a blessing to us all.
Mary says
Thank you for your kind words! đź’– I am so glad the ideas are helpful to you.