Catholic New Year Prayer

A Prayer for the New Year
Lord, as I begin this new year, help me to let go of past hurts, frustrations, and guilt
so I may enter the new year free of these things.
Please forgive me for my sins and help me to forgive others I need to forgive.
May those I have sinned against forgive me.
Please help me to love others as you have called me to love them, as creatures made in Your diving image.
Help me to love myself as you call me to love myself, too, as one made in Your divine image.
May I not turn my back on someone in need.
May I be a true friend to those I in need.
With Your help and grace, may I be the best person I can be.
May I live out my vocation with love and devotion.
May my life be a light in the world instead of a darkness.
May I always turn to You in sorrow for comfort, in pain for healing, in joy so we may celebrate together.
May I never lose my love for You, but increase it each day.
May You bless me, Lord, this year and always and help me to live the life You have called me to live-one full of love and adventure, wholly devoted to You.
A Prayer for the New Year is an original prayer by Mary at Blessed Catholic Mom. It may not be copied without the permission of the author.
A Prayer for the New Year can help us let go of the pain and hurts of the past year and embrace the new year. We ask God to help us with His grace so we may live our Catholic faith well and live our vocation to the best of our ability. May we always turn to God in all things and ask Him for His help and grace so we may live our lives as He calls us to-full of love, mercy, and devotion to Him.
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The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion by Rev. John Croiset shares the message Jesus gave to St. Margaret Mary about His Sacred Heart. Fr. Croiset was the spiritual director for St. Margaret Mary for 43 years. The book also contains St. Margaret Mary’s prayers to the Sacred Heart and the Sacred Heart Promises.

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